New Documentary Film Dives into Rancho Cordova’s History

The story of Rancho Cordova gets the screen treatment in a new documentary film by local historian Bill George called “Rancho Cordova: From Gold Rush to Space.”

Jet taking off at an airfield
Length X Width X Depth: A Multidimensional Exhibit
Pictured: “Rancho Cordova: From Gold Rush to Space” premiered Oct. 13 at the Mills Station Arts & Culture Center.
At the time of the contract award, the company had just started construction of a large-thrust liquid test stand at its new Rancho Cordova, Calif. site. Within 10 months of the contract award, the company had 889 employees working on the liquid rocket program and a construction frenzy was underway.
Aerojet Rocketdyne
There is enough material to do a part two or expand this into a full-length feature. I think there is a good chance that we will do more on this film and go from there.
Bill George