Weekly Rancho Cordova Events
Something fun is always happening in Rancho Cordova, California.
A Destination Management Organization (DMO) serves as the representative voice of a destination to potential visitors. It collaborates with travel trade partners to offer comprehensive information to travelers, aiding them in making informed decisions about their vacation destination.
DMOs also facilitate the coordination of various organizations involved in the visitor experience, including lodging providers, attractions operators, restaurants, and retailers. This collaborative effort allows these entities to share insights that highlight the unique qualities of the community as a tourist destination.
Primary funding for our activities and programs comes from a Tourism Business Improvement District (TBID) special assessment on lodging. Thus, a board of directors comprised of lodging partner representatives, along with representatives from the City of Rancho Cordova and Rancho Cordova Chamber of Commerce, governs the nonprofit 501(c)6 organization. You can view our Board Meeting Agenda and Minutes here.
Something we deeply love about Rancho Cordova is the region's rich and diverse community. We would like to celebrate and honor Indigenous Peoples' voices and stories by sharing a land acknowledgment.
Land acknowledgments serve as public recognition and an invitation to uplift the narratives of the Indigenous Peoples who have been displaced from their homelands due to colonialism, genocide, and environmental changes.
We honor and thank the Nisenan (Nice-ih-NUN), Miwok (MEE-Wock), Cayuse (KY-yoose), Umatilla (you-muh-TILL-uh), and Walla Walla peoples as our community partners and the traditional inhabitants of the territories of Rancho Cordova, Sacramento, and surrounding areas.
They have stewarded these beautiful lands throughout generations, lands that everyone who has visited Rancho Cordova has been privileged to enjoy and share with their loved ones. We do not take this for granted.
The Visit Native California initiative has inspired our team to be more conscious about our efforts and impact in this area, and this acknowledgment is just one humble step in a much greater conversation. Going forward, Visit Rancho Cordova is eager to learn more about how we can support local Indigenous organizations in our region.
To learn more about the territories and land you are standing on, please visit Native-Land.ca
Here, California dreaming lives unfiltered and unbothered, basking in the authenticity of a life well lived. It’s a golden haze of playing and working hard to build an open-door community where diversity is the norm and all are welcome. We’re a town powered by local pride and vacationers’ daydreams – what would it be like to live here?
Here, where small-town charm co-exists with big opportunities. Where you can embrace natural wonders without sacrificing urban delights. Where Northern California’s epic wilderness remains untouched, and where weekend adventuring can end with fresh eateries and festivals that delight visitors from around the globe. We’re more than a breath of fresh air; we are a feeling of deep contentment, rooted in California’s golden lore and made real by the dreamers that dare chase it.
What can we help you find?
Weekly Rancho Cordova Events
Something fun is always happening in Rancho Cordova, California.
Rancho Cordova Hotels and Lodging
Whether you're visiting for business or pleasure, you'll find it all in the comfort of one of our Rancho Cordova hotels.
Outdoor Activities
Find outdoor activities Rancho Cordova, from water sports to cycling to skydiving. With Lake Natoma and the American River Bike Trail, there are many options.